Wednesday 8 April 2015

Passing JCR Node Objects to Adobe Experience Manager Custom Services

In some business use cases, you have to pass JCR nodes from a front-end component to a back-end custom Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) custom service. For example, you can pass a Node object (for example, a currentNode in a JSP) to an AEM service (a javax.jcr.Node Java object) and use the JCR API to read its properties and perform application logic on the values. This development article walks you through how to pass a node object from a JSP to a custom service. The custom service uses the JCR API to read a property and pass back the value as the service's return value.

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I (Scott Macdonald) am a Senior Digital Marketing Community Manager at Adobe Systems with 20 years in the high tech industry. I am also a programmer with knowledge in Java, JavaScript, C#,C++, HTML, XML and ActionScript. If  you would like to see more CQ or other Adobe Digital Marketing end to end articles like this, then leave a comment and let me know what content you would like to see.

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